On Influence4You, you have access to a search engine with over 275 million profiles. This allows you to find the perfect match to promote your brand or the products and services you want to highlight!
To identify the best profiles, the topic search allows you to filter Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or LinkedIn profiles based on your search criteria:
Community size
Target audience
Used hashtags or keywords
💡 We recommend starting with your main criteria and gradually refining the search with additional criteria to display a number of results that is neither too large nor too small.
In Practice
From the platform's navigation menu, the thematic search engine is located in the "Influencers" section.
On this page, you can then select the network of your choice for your search:
For each network, the search is divided into two parts with a free field to enter the keywords or hashtags of your choice, along with various filters to fill in according to your needs.
The entered keywords will display influencers with the keyword in their biography, and hashtags will display influencers who have used the hashtags in their content.
Some filters, such as location, can be applied based on the influencer's audience or at the influencer level.
If you are unsure about the meaning of a filter, you can view its definition by hovering your mouse over the ℹ️ information icon next to the criterion.