Each influencer can apply for free-products campaigns on the platform and collaborate with brands. To ensure a good quality of collaboration, influencers are provided with 5 credits to use on the platform.
How does the credit system work?
An influencer must use a credit to apply for a free-product campaign or a campaign that offers a voucher, with a limit of 5 applications at a time (5 applications = 5 credits). Paid campaigns do not require the use of credits.
Credits are refunded under the following conditions:
The influencer is rejected from the campaign.
The influencer cancels its application before it is validated by the advertiser.
The influencer makes their post following the conditions of the campaign brief they applied to.
Credits are lost under the following conditions:
The influencer leaves the campaign after their profile is validated by the advertiser.
The influencer does not make their post before the end date defined in the campaign brief.
If you find that you have lost a credit even though you have complied with the conditions, feel free to contact our teams!